How to Save on Utility Bills

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Utility bills are a constant in modern-day life, and sometimes it can be hard to keep the running costs down in your home.

Here at BeeMyMinder, we like to help people save money, and the same applies to saving money on your utility bills. Keep reading for our top tips on how to save money on your gas, electricity and water this winter.

Save money on electricity bills

Switch to low-energy bulbs. Replacing all the traditional incandescent bulbs in your home to low-energy ones is the first step to saving money on your electricity bills.

Low energy bulbs typically us anywhere from 25% to 80% less energy when compared to traditional bulbs. Alongside this, the average light bulb last for just one year, but most new low-energy bulbs can last for up to 10 years.

This evens out the up-front cost of buying energy-saving bulbs, and means you’re going to save money in the long run.

Turn off the plugs. Make sure that you’re not leaving electronics on stand-by mode, especially if you don’t use them regularly. This includes your TV, kettles, toaster and lamps.

Even chargers that are plugged into the wall use electricity, despite nothing being plugged into them. If you’re living with roommates, make sure that they unplug their electronics when they’re not in use.

Get the kids involved. Make sure that they know about why you need to be saving, including turning lights off when they’re not in use. For younger children, make it into a game. Get them to start monitoring when the lights are left on around the house, and reward them when they turn them off again.

Save money on heating bills

Fit reflector pads behind your radiators. Fitting reflective pads behind your radiators means that up to 95% of the energy that’s usually lost behind the radiator is pushed back into the room.

Reflectors pads work by (you guessed it) reflecting the heat that would have been absorbed by the wall back into the room. The best position for these reflective pads is behind radiators that are on an exposed wall. For example, under a window with a wall that backs onto the garden.

Wrap up; don’t turn up. As soon as the temperature starts to drop, it can be tempting to adjust the thermostat to warm the house up. Instead of cranking up the heating, consider wearing another layer or two. Not only do you make the most of comfortable jumpers, you’re cutting down on your energy bills.

Open the oven door. A lot of heat still stays in the oven once you’ve finished cooking dinner, so distribute the heat and leave the door open once you’re finished. In a well-insulated house, using the excess heat can be a cost effective way of giving your heating a boost, without having to fire up the boiler,

Save money on water bills

Have a shower, not a bath. When the nights start getting colder, it can be tempting to settle down for a nice long soak, but having regular baths are the main cause of sky-high water bills.

Having a shower uses considerably less energy than having a bath, whilst bathing accounts for the vast majority of a household’s hot water use. If you find yourself taking longer showers then just remember: cutting the time spent showering in half can save on water-heating costs by 25%.

Let the dishwasher do the hard work. Instead of pre-rinsing your dirty plates in hot water before they go into the washing machine, scrape the leftovers into the bin and let the dishwasher do the hard work for you.

This helps to save both on your water bills, and also on the energy used the heat the water in the tap.

Washing on a lower heat. Most modern washing machines have an economy setting, and washing your clothes on a lower heat can help cut your energy costs as well.

If you’re a regular washer, then consider having one day a week set aside to get everything cleaned. Having a set day for washing means you won’t be using unnecessary energy multiple times per week.

General saving tips

Stop the draughts. Older properties can suffer from draughts; so make sure that all gaps that are letting energy escape are blocked. You can get draught-excluders, but if they’re in a room that’s not normally used, then a large, rolled up towel can work just as well.

Buy efficient. If you’re replacing an appliance around your home, then make sure that you’re buying one with the highest energy rating possible. All modern appliances need to display their energy rating, so go for one that’s rated A or higher.

Compare the Market. The age-old money saving advice, to save you must compare the market. Many price comparison websites offer introductory offers for account switching, but check the terms and conditions of your current policy before you do. You don’t want to pay a contract-termination fee, so if in doubt, ask.

Remember your renewal dates. Remembering those all-important dates gives you a chance to find a better deal, especially if you’ve been with your supplier for a while.


For more information on how to keep track of your renewal dates and store your bills online, take at our free online reminder service.


So there we have it, our top tips for saving money on your utility bills. What do you think? Have you discovered your own unique ways to save money? Our last blog on how to reduce energy costs for winter was two years ago, how time flies.

We’d love to hear your thoughts, so get in touch with us on Facebook or Twitter. If you’d like more information on how BeeMyMinder can help you save, then get in touch with us.

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